Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend Fun...

Friday night we went to a concert at Anderson Gardens. I had almost forgotten how beautiful the gardens are, and now they have added a fabulous restaurant in the main building. We were served an excellent meal before heading out to the gardens for the concert. Just before we moved, my good friend Brenda, took the position of director of Anderson Gardens and among many other things, she has worked to bring some wonderful Christian artists to perform.

Sunday morning, Shannon took baby Joshua to church for the first time. He's so little, she was hesitant to take him out too soon. He did get a little squirmy just as the service started, but once she fed him, he slept for the rest of the time. It was fun to watch people as they stopped to admire my darling grandson..(spoken like a true grandma, huh?)
After church, Stacey, my mom and I headed up to Madison to wander through the shops near the UW campus. We also took time out to sit by the water and do some "people watching"!

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