Monday, June 8, 2009

Firsts and Lasts...

Sunday was a big day since we had the first official Northeast church service which we've been praying and working towards for the last few months. It was an especially big day since Lee Strobel, author of "The Case for Christ", was our speaker on Sunday. He was awesome and very down to earth as we met him after church. Eventually we will be meeting near our home, but until we've found the building God wants us to buy, we're going to be meeting right on the Oak Hills campus. There were about 60 people in attendance...not bad for the first service. We met in the youth center and heard the message via satellite, but were still able to go over to the main building for book signings. I'm looking forward to August when we make the official announcement to the community during our service with Michael W. Smith at the ATT Center.

Then tonight was a going away party for Cindy Smallen, my neighbor and good friend who lives just a couple of houses away. I'm really sad to see her go, as she was the very first friend I had when I moved here. God provided her when I was feeling so alone here in San Antonio, and what a blessing she has been! She's only going to Houston, so maybe Larry and I can go explore that part of the country sometime soon...

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