Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dealing with change...

There have been so many changes in my life since we left Illinois just four months ago...I am thankful for all God has done in my life in that time...but tonight I'm feeling kind of sad, because tomorrow was the day I had planned to fly to Illinois to visit family and friends. When I made the flight arrangements I wasn't working so the timing didn't really matter, but when I took the job at Encino Park everything changed. There's no way I could miss seven days of school without losing all that I've done so far. I love my job and all the kids, but I'm struggling with not seeing my own girls and Lydia until Christmas (Actually, Stacey is coming for Thanksgiving so I have that to look forward to). Lydia is changing so much at this stage, and I feel like I'm missing it. I think of how much worse it would have been in the "Little House in the Prairie" days, when leaving meant never seeing your family again. Today, thanks to the computer age we live in, I at least get to keep up with changes on a daily basis. You can see my precious Lydia on Shannon's blog at

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