Monday, April 6, 2009

Diving Into New Roles...

I'm really enjoying my job and now that I've been teaching art for awhile, I'm beginning to wonder if there's anything I wouldn't love teaching. Last year, I was teaching everything from health to handwriting, and although I was happy, this year is so much more fun! I've also seen progess in my students this year which is exciting for me because that means I can take them further next year because I can build on what they've done already. The funny thing is that this last quarter, I'm supposed to be teaching about painting self-portraits, and that scared me because I knew the kids would find out I have no artistic ability, but when I began doing what I was teaching, I surprised myself and I'm really learning to sketch!

This last picture is something I did today that was a little strange...

My school had just gotten a mascot costume because we're the "Encino Eagles" and just as we were preparing for an assembly, the principal asked if I would be the Eagle. I had to run out and put this strange costume on with tights and everything and fly into the room (rather difficult with giant bird feet) and surprise the kids. Actually, I really enjoyed it, other than the fact that it was so hot I was dripping wet when I finally took it off...


Stacey said...

Looks like you are having fun! I can relate to how hot those costumes get...I did it for Culver's a few times.

Ken & Melody Ruge said...

At least you aren't a turkey. Looked good, and you can act goofy, and no one knows who's inside.

Unknown said...

How funny! I bet you were a great Eagle! I really think you could teach just about anything - you're great at anything you put your mind to!