Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Last Few Days of Summer...

Summer is finally coming to an end here and I'm SO glad to see the rain and cooler temperatures! This last week it rained almost every day and we even had days in the 60's...I loved it for a change. All of the yards are quickly turning green and as Emma and I took our walk this morning, it seemed as if everyone was out doing yard work.

A couple of weeks ago, Larry and I took one of our days off to go on the riverboat tour. We've been wanting to do that for a long time but it seems as if there's always something that has to be done. It was a fun day, although I'm not sure I'd do it was rather expensive!

Big changes have taken place in Shelley's life these last few weeks. First, she's no longer working at Culver's as she now has a new job at HEB. She's working full time in their "Cafe on the Run" which is an upscale deli inside the Central Market. Larry loves having her work there and HEB is a real family oriented she's getting all the great benefits and perks that Larry gets!

Another big change for Shelley is her living arrangements...she and a friend from church are moving into a new apartment next weekend. This is an answer to prayer as we've been seeing her get more involved at her church and spending more time with her friends from CBC. She and Ashley (her new roomate) came over for dinner tonight. I really like Ashley and I think this is a great move for Shelley...for one thing she's only going to be a few minutes from our house so maybe we'll get to see her more often. I included some pictures I took the other night when we went to see the's really nice!