Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Day in the Life of an Art Teacher...

Isn't life funny? I mean if you had told me five years ago that I would be living in Texas and teaching Art, I would have said you were crazy! Yet here I am...and loving it! Even though I still struggle (and always will) with living so far from family, God has truly blessed my life here. I guess we never know what's in store unless we're flexible enough to follow wherever He takes us...even to San Antonio!

I took some pictures this last week of some of my classes...we've done everything from painting with watercolors to sketching outdoor scenes and even painting snowmen that will be made into Christmas presents. Just this week, I had two students who won awards for the "Red Ribbon Week" art contest, and they'll be going on to the district. It's something I never would have planned for myself, yet I know I'm where I should be...for now!

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