Saturday, July 26, 2008

Visit to Discovery Center!

This morning, Stacey and I took Lydia to the Discovery Center. We really weren't sure if she would be old enough to enjoy it, but it was even better than we had expected. She got really excited when she saw where we were going and even though many of the exhibits downstairs were geared for older children, she loved pushing all the buttons and watching other kids.

One of her favorite parts was the outside area where they had a wooden fortlike structure for climbing and an area designed for water play.

Stacey and Lydia really had fun sending objects through the air tunnel, although Lydia did send a heavier ball from another exhibit. Fortunately, Stacey was able to force it on through with some bigger balls.

My favorite part was the art exhibit, where we were given rocks to decorate with crayons and then they were heated to melt the colors. Lydia and I each made one and even though I was very proud of mine, I gave it to Lydia to take home...shows how much I love her, huh?

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