Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fiesta Arts Fair

My friend Patty Gilbert had offered to introduce me to Fiesta by taking me to one of her favorite events, the Fiesta Arts Fair. It's a juried craft show located at the Southwest School of the Arts, and it was wonderful! Ever since I left the midwest, I've really missed going to good craft fairs because most of them here don't begin to compare. The one we went to today was as good or better than most I've been to, although it was rather expensive.

Patty got me with one of the confetti eggs that are a tradition during was a first for me, but I'm sure it won't be the last!

Later in the afternoon, we went another event I had heard about..."A Taste of New Orleans" where I tried fried alligator and crawfish ettouille (sp?). I really didn't understand why this would be a part of Fiesta, but I guess it's a celebration of all the different cultures that make up San Antonio. In fact, there are German festivals as well, I'm told.

The last place we visited was El Mercado at Market Square. I had been there before, but I had never seen it like it was today. Everyone was celebrating with food, wares and lots of entertainment! It was crowded, but very festive!

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