Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday!

Ever since Lydia left, Larry and I have been trying to get over what must have been the flu, because it hit us both really hard. I was so thankful when I woke up this morning that I felt a hundred percent better, because I had a busy day planned.

I was excited about teaching today because I love sharing the joy of Easter with children! I had time to do some special crafts and tell the story of the crucifiction, burial and resurrection before we headed upstairs for what the drama team had was awesome as usual and the kids loved it!

We had been invited over to Dan and Joan Beasley's house for Easter, and as usual, they did an outstanding job of entertaining! Dan prepared Honey Glazed Spiral Ham with Whipped Sweet Potatoes and Joan made her Baked Pineapple and her famous Easter Bunny Coconut was all wonderful! As usual, I enjoyed seeing all her unique decorations that she displays so artistically.

After dinner, the guys all headed out to play with Dan's motorcycle and Larry even took it for a ride around the block...I can see where this is all heading!
Dan and Joan also had invited some good friends who had just come back from serving in Germany. I took this picture of their daughter taking a swim after dinner, because it's been a long time since we lived anyplace warm enough to swim on Easter, especially when it falls in March!

1 comment:

Ken & Melody Ruge said...

I can help where that was going!!!!