Sunday, July 29, 2007

Looking Ahead

Well, it's been another great favorite day of the week! Our life group tonight was wonderful and I'm starting to feel like part of the family. One thing was hard though...everyone was talking about things they had done this week with their grandchildren (we're the youngest by at least a few years), and it made me REALLY miss my kids and Lydia. At least I had brought my Bible and stuff in the new bag Shannon and Josh gave me for my birthday, so I got to share the picture of Lydia and me that's on the front...that was fun! Anyway, today I also went ahead and made the flight arrangements for my trip back to visit Illinois. I will arrive on Friday, September 28, in the afternoon and get to spend ten days visiting my family and friends back home. I'm looking forward to enjoying the fall season while I'm there since it will still be hot here, I think. We also are planning on both of us coming back over Christmas, so I've also got those dates to look forward to. I'm still not sure what I'm going to be doing "job wise", so I hope I can work around those dates. Oh well, it's in God's Hands now!

1 comment:

Pastor Adam said...

I was not sure how to get a hold of you two so I thoght I would leave a comment!! I found you guys off of Shannon and Joh's Blogspot!!

Hope all is well with you in Texas!

If you want, check out my Blogspot at

God Bless!!