Life these days seems to be one big rollercoaster ride...up some days and speeding downhill the next. Last week began a really scary ride...
It all began when I came home from school one afternoon to find Larry home before me. He explained that an employee had made a complaint and they had suspended him until an investigation could be made. He told me the employee had been moved to his plant after having trouble conforming at another plant. When he also refused to follow instructions at the snack plant, Larry went in to tell him he had to do as asked and the guy pushed him and blocked the door. Larry lost his temper and fired him and didn't think any more about it until he was told he was being suspended. We thought it was just routine until Larry's boss called him in 36 hours later and fired him, supposedly for losing his temper. We were totally crushed...both of us!
So now we're looking at yet another move...
The owner of Vitner's (the plant he worked at up north) flew down to make him an offer, as well as a couple of other plants in Phoenix and Dallas that seem to want him. I'm voting for heading north to be with family again, but I'm trying to be patient as Larry explores his options.
Meanwhile, we've been busy with the new Oak Hills Church plant. Last Sunday we had our final service in the temporary building and then all headed over to bless the new building. We were all given markers to write on the floor before the carpet was put down.
Then this morning, we had our first service in the new, what a blessing to see all God has done in the last six months, not only with the building, but with relationships. He has totally bound our hearts together!