Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Day in Old Fredericksburg...

Sunday was Joan and John's last day in San Antonio and I decided to "give 'em a taste of the ol' west"! We travelled about ninety minutes north of us to a little German village called Fredericksburg. Our first stop was a famous nursery near LBJ's ranch where we found all the Texas bluebonnets to be in bloom...it was beautiful!

While we were walking through the shops, we saw a sight I'd never seen before...a pet rooster in the store greeting customers like he owned the place...well, I guess he did!

My Sister Arrives...

My sister, Joan, arrived with her husband late Thursday evening and spent three days with us. During that time we fit in about ten days worth of activities and left our husbands feeling absolutely exhausted...the good thing was that they had each other and therefore moved at a slower pace than us.

Friday we started out with breakfast at The Magnolia House and then took John home while we drove up to San Marcos for a day of shopping. Later that evening our husbands met us in Gruene for dinner at The Gristmill...what a fun day!

Saturday was our "Fiesta" day, so we all started out downtown at The Guenther House for breakfast. Then Larry and John went over to the HEB arsenal while Joan and I went to the King William Festival. The crowds didn't bother Joan or me, but the guys decided it was a bit much for them.

Later we all had dinner at the Riverwalk where we spent a couple of hours visiting and had a very relaxing dinner.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fiesta Arts Fair

Our first Fiesta event was the Arts and Crafts festival at the Southwest School of the Arts downtown by the Riverwalk. In addition to the fact that I've always loved craft fairs, this particular one had some fabulous artists because it's a juried show This year though, I found I was more interested in technique than I have been in the past...maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm now teaching art. Anyway, one of the most interesting areas I found was the children's art area where artists were teaching children to do all kinds of art. I took pictures of several things they were doing that I hope I can replicate and do with my kids at school.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Busy Week...

One of the reasons this has been such a busy week is because of all that's going on at Encino Park. Last night was the "Hollywood Hoedown" which was for the third through fifth graders. They've been learning line dancing and this was an opportunity to dress up as their favorite Hollywood star and show off all they had learned. The funny thing was that the teachers only had one practice and we all tried to keep up with the kids...impossible! Kids and parents alike loved it so it may become a new tradition. (I don't have pictures, but if you're wondering what I wore, I was Julie Andrews from "The Sound of Music"...and yes, believe it or not, I did dance!)

Today was the official kick-off of Fiesta, the big annual celebration in San Antonio. We started with a parade of floats made by the first graders and then partied all afternoon. The reason I don't have pictures of the parade, is because I was leading the parade in the EP Eagle costume...what I wouldn't do for these kids!

After I recovered from heat stroke, I visited classrooms and tried to get my strength back by sampling the delicious food parents had brought...it was a fun day and a great start to Fiesta!

Easter Weekend...

I can't believe a whole week has passed since Easter, but I kept meaning to post pictures and this is the first chance I've gotten. Last Saturday was a beautiful spring day so we took the bike up to Fredericksburg. The ride up there was fun and we were surprised by all the wildflowers which were in bloom.

Although we went to the Easter service on Friday evening to make room for guests at the other five services, we both went on Sunday morning to serve. I of course was teaching Sunday School, and Larry was driving the cart in the parking lot. The crowds were incredible and Max preached an awesome message from The Story that just happened to be on the risen Lord...good timing, huh? This next picture is a presentation done by our fifth graders that was done in all six services and then I was able to take a picture when they performed it for our children at the last service on Sunday. It was a "musical video" about the death and ressurection of Jesus and had been written by a teen in our church who also led the fifth graders.

After church on Easter, we had made reservations for brunch at a hotel downtown, but that was a huge disappointment...bad service, unappealing food and surroundings...we won't be going there again! That evening, Larry and I took off again on the bike and rode up to Canyon Lake. It was beautiful and kind of restored the day for us. We ended the day at The Gristmill, one of our favorite restaurants in Gruene.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Diving Into New Roles...

I'm really enjoying my job and now that I've been teaching art for awhile, I'm beginning to wonder if there's anything I wouldn't love teaching. Last year, I was teaching everything from health to handwriting, and although I was happy, this year is so much more fun! I've also seen progess in my students this year which is exciting for me because that means I can take them further next year because I can build on what they've done already. The funny thing is that this last quarter, I'm supposed to be teaching about painting self-portraits, and that scared me because I knew the kids would find out I have no artistic ability, but when I began doing what I was teaching, I surprised myself and I'm really learning to sketch!

This last picture is something I did today that was a little strange...

My school had just gotten a mascot costume because we're the "Encino Eagles" and just as we were preparing for an assembly, the principal asked if I would be the Eagle. I had to run out and put this strange costume on with tights and everything and fly into the room (rather difficult with giant bird feet) and surprise the kids. Actually, I really enjoyed it, other than the fact that it was so hot I was dripping wet when I finally took it off...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Race for the Cure

I did something today that I have never done before and I really had a good time. My school formed a team to represent Encino Park in the "Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure" and I joined not really knowing what was involved. We had two groups...the walkers and the runners, and I started with the runners, but finished the race walking. It was downtown and what I was NOT prepared for was the crowds! It was held at the Alamadome and by the time I arrived at 7 am, there was already no parking anywhere! I ended up parking a mile away and running to make it to where we were having pictures taken before the race.

It was a beautiful day and not too hot, and the streets were all blocked off for the runners. I stopped several times to take pictures, but other than that I kept up a pretty good pace. I certainly didn't come in first, but it was fun being involved anyway.